Why is Website important ?

Why is Website important ?

Oct 15, 2022

Why is Website important ?

88% of consumers will pre-research product’s information, before they make a purchase either online or in the store. This buying behavior trend signifies the importance of a website for today’s businesses.


We think our presence in social media is enough, but it is not. every platform has its own uniqueness and so does websites.

Website is an information portal of your company that includes all the information about your services and products. It is like a company’s profile and brochure but online.

Your online presence, way of communication, piece of content, digital marketing efforts or advertisement that you put in online will drive the consumer back to your website.

Let me share with you why website is really important for your business.


1. Purchase decision starts with Search Engine Platform  


Search Engine Platforms like  Google, Yahoo, Bing are the first choice among people who are looking for any data or products that might be online.

You need to understand that your prospects go to the internet when they are looking to find suppliers or make a purchase.

And 51% of website traffic comes from organic search results. Now think, having no website means you are selling just the remaining % of your market.

The question is why don’t you outbreak the limit to reach the potential size of your business, where you can get a number of prospects and create a brand among the costumer.


Let me give you an example; Suppose I am looking for a Limbu cultural dress and I have no idea who sells the product . In that case what I will do is, go to the search engine platform google, and type, Limbu cultural dress store near me or near Kathmandu. 

Now the search engine delivers a list of web pages relevant to my search queries. And I will go through the top website link and get all the information that I was looking for.

And If I feel like the information on the website satisfied my needs or the website promises to have what I look for then I will contact them directly through web chat or I may choose social media to connect with them but if the content or information is not clear I would definitely switch to another one .


If you want to bring some of this online traffic to your own business, you need to make a website so that you could able to reach more consumers that brings an opportunity which turns leads into sales.


2. Credibility


The importance of a website for building credibility is also, something that every brand needs to consider.  Businesses without a website are seen as less credible. The reason for this is most companies are transparent with information to the customer through website, and when you are not available in the search engine it looks like they have something to hide or your existence in the marketplace is not that valuable.

In addition, by showcasing your products and services, website always allows your consumers to see what your brand is all about, and get to know about your company, its mission and  vision and this starts working to establish trust between both of you which is a very first step in building a long-lasting customer relationships and this means that you are safe, reliable, expert, knowledgeable and trustworthy to do business with you.

Okay let me give you an example So, I went on a trip to Zambia last October. When I applied for a visa, I was rejected the first time by the African state. The reason was very clearly stated in my rejection letter. “You have applied with a non-professional Email Id for a Business Visa ” . I applied with a Gmail Address and not my website Email Address. Next time when I applied with a website address rashmita@onetechepal.com , my visa was accepted within days. You feel the credibility that website and its services gives you in most of other fields as well.


3. Easy Access


Having a website makes it very easy for people to find you, read about your company, what you do, what service you provide and answer a bunch of other questions they might have about your company. And the most important one is that the website plays a huge role to bring your company name in the first page of Google through SEO and Content marketing. And That’s what all businessperson dream to see their name when their customer search them by using the relevant keywords.

And yes, It is  also true that though you don't have a website your business name may be found in a search engine like through Google maps or the yellow pages or your Facebook business page.

But if your prospects are searching for you on Google then they definitely to know more about the product you are selling and with an absence of website, they wont fond what they are looking for and hence you loose a customer or customers.


4. Forms of marketing 


 Website also makes other forms of marketing so much easier.! Such as  If you are planning to set up ads, in your social media page like Facebook ads, Instagram ads or linked in ads, you can directly send your users to your website's digital store, an information landing page from where they get the information they are looking for and it helps them to make a decision at that instant.

Not only in AD, what you can do from your personal level is whenever you update the information about your product  in your  social media page you can also mention the website link which will surely increase the chances of catching the attention of the potential customer, interested parties, or like-minded people.

And the more your link clicked, the more google will recognize your website better,  for an increased ranking.


5. Opportunities beyond the seas

By getting a website it makes possible for anyone in the world to find your business. If you have a product that can be easily sold online you can dramatically increase your customer base by selling online.


6.Professional Email :Having your own website will help you to get the professional email like yourname@website.com which is far more better and crucial than Gmail or Yahoo Mail.


7.Long term Value

The great part about a website is that once you invest in it, you have it forever and it continues to work for you forever.

With a website, if you don't make a positive ROI in the first year, you do not have to worry  because you have from now until the end of time to get a return on your investment. But make sure to have a good presentation of your website, so that you could persuade your customer in the long term  That is where people like us come in with our years long experience in web design and hosting.

These are the few other importance of a website, I hope this information help you to erase your curiosity.

If you do not already have a website for your business I would highly encourage you to design one.
 But developing a website doesn’t automatically bring paying customers to your business. However, through search engine optimization of your website, good content marketing you can improve your chances of bringing in more qualified leads who are more likely to make a purchase.

After listening to this if you are serious about launching a professional attractive website with SEO optimization and proper navigation,  it is time to call a professional web design experts,.

Our web design team at One Technologies provides the advanced technology ASP.NET CORE with Microsoft Hosting space along with digital and branding consultant service to help you brand your business online. To find out more about our web design services or to learn more about the importance of a website, and the Branding steps you can take for your company, visit us at www.onetechnepal.com or Download our company profile on www.onetechnepal.com/Portfolio/CompanyProfile

Until next time, this is me Rashmita signing off. But Remember “Bill gate says if your business is not on the internet then your business will b out of business” , keep learning and stay tuned.”